Start a Tooth Fairy Tradition
📖 Begin with the enchanting and beautifully illustrated storybook about this legendary fairy. Perfect for reading each wiggly night leading up to a tooth fairy visit or anytime a bedtime story calls for a fairytale. This delightful picture book will introduce kids to the wonder of the tooth fairies and their magical Flylight invention.
✨ Once a wiggly tooth finally let's go, shine a magical lost-tooth alert to your very own tooth fairy with the Tooth Fairy Flylight projector nightlight. Just place a lost tooth in the front tray, press the button, and watch the colorful shapes glow on the ceiling and beam the message straight to fairyland. Your tooth fairy will see the signal and know it's time to fly!
🧚 There's no need to wait for a lost tooth to engage in the magic of this milestone! Anticipation of a tooth fairy visit often begins long before a loose tooth. Capture every moment of excitement around the big event with the Tooth Fairy Flylight set.
"This magical light sends a message up high, and tells a tooth fairy it's time to stop by."
- The Tooth Fairy Flylight Storybook
Discover the Story
How does the Tooth Fairy know when a tooth has been lost? Where does a lost tooth go? What in the world is a Flylight? The delightful bedtime tale of The Tooth Fairy Flylight: A Tale of Lost Tooth Mishaps and the Magical Light That Changed Everything gets to the bottom of these questions and more. Read it with each lost tooth for a memorable lost tooth tradition.
Let the Magic Shine
Bring the magic of the Tooth Fairy to life with a colorful light display that shines on the ceiling and straight on to fairyland. Playful shapes arranged around a special tooth symbol quietly cycle from blue, to green, to red for 1 hour. As little ones drift off to sleep, they can rest assured the Tooth Fairy has been notified of their lost tooth.
Create Milestone Memories
Every lost tooth is a big event, and the the Tooth Fairy Flylight™ helps you celebrate in a big way. From naming their very own tooth fairy to pressing the button to light up the Flylight and announce their lost tooth, kids will love being a part of tooth fairy magic. Make the most of each lost-tooth milestone and form memories that will last forever with the Tooth Fairy Flylight.

Remember your first lost tooth?
Did your first loose tooth go on for days, even weeks? The more it wiggled, the more it seemed your excitement and anticipation would grow, knowing a visit from the Tooth Fairy would happen soon?
Here at Tooth Fairy Flylight we remember all the feels, and we know how exciting it is to experience them once again with the little ones in your life. The Tooth Fairy Flylight makes it easy for each lost tooth to become a special occasion and for each tooth fairy visit to be an opportunity to be part of the magic. After all, every lost tooth deserves the spotlight!
Our Story